现年26岁的英国情色网美Annie Charlotte因为罹患「双子宫畸形」(uterus didelphys),天生拥有两组子宫及阴道,近日她自曝性经验,除了认了「百人斩」,也分享床伴与她发生关系时的感受,坦言多数男人根本没有特别 ...
Annie Charlotte was born with a rare condition that means she has two reproductive systems, including 'two vaginas'.
英国一名情色网美Annie Charlotte因为罹患「双子宫畸形」(uterus didelphys),天生拥有两组子宫及阴道,并坦言性欲是其他女人的两倍,近日更声称同时 ...
Annie Charlotte, 26, was diagnosed with uterus didelphys when she was 16, which means she has two vaginas, two uteruses and ...
Annie Charlotte The model says that being on the subscriber site has helped her to embrace her body more than ever before. Now, she accepts being different and appreciates the perks it brings.
A woman named Annie Charlotte, who has a rare medical condition of having two uteruses, cervixes, and vaginal canals known as ...