Batman #140 unfolds over to the main stages of action: Bruce’s physical body chasing down The Joker, with Zur attempting to exert control so that he can finish the villain off for good.
DC Comics, Marvel Comics and Indie alike, nothing is free from our dramatic readings.Batman No Mans Land "Joker's Endgame, Murder Babies..." - Complete Story | Comicstorian ...
Chief among them, however, is the fact that the end of The Batman teased the appearance of The Joker, who's being played in this universe by Barry Keoghan. At this point, what we know about The ...
That would be that Barry Keoghan, teased as The Batman’s in-universe Joker in the first movie, would get his own series that would serve as a bridge between the second and third movies ...
As The Penguin spans the time between The Batman and the upcoming The Batman: Part II, the idea is that a Joker show would ...