It’s no fun when your car’s wipers are stuck to the windshield. Here’s a little trick that might make your mornings easier, ...
When you drive in the winter, you have to deal with a lot of foggy windshields. What's the best way to make that fog go away?
More people are pulling up their windshield wipers during inclement weather to prevent them freezing in place, but some ...
Belgian Malinois are often regarded as "scary" or "unmanageable" dogs, especially when they're in the wrong hands. However, ...
In a recent clip, Ceith Griffith (@ceithgriffith) claimed that Dawn Powerwash can be used to help prevent snow and ice from sticking to your car’s windshield. He demonstrated this in a recent video, ...
Fix Operations Manager at Sioux City Ford gave some tips on how to prepare your windshield and windshield wipers for this ...
"Had one before, but bought another car and needed another one. I cannot put my windshield wipers up off the windshield during a freeze, so this works great." This windshield cover is extremely ...