And the night sky obliges by presenting a beautiful ... Albireo, at the foot of the Cross, is really a pair of stars of beautifully contrasting colors: a third magnitude orange star and its ...
Constellations are officially recognised patterns in the night sky that help astronomers ... for an asterism called the Northern Cross which is a group of stars in a simple cross shape.
An exposure longer than about 25 seconds will start to show star trails and capture their movement as they travel across the night sky, so experiment with timings. Generally, the rule of thumb is to ...
Learn how to find your way around the night sky. We’ll show you how to spot stars, planets, galaxies and more with the naked eye. Take our winter tour that features August constellations ...
Was it the inspiration for the “Christmas Star” story ... This is the best night to see it with a telescope or binoculars, though it will remain a spectacular sight in the night sky until ...