This hilarious and touching documentary tells the story of how three older, gay, "bears" working in Hollywood, tired of having their gay-themed ideas rejected by the mainstream, decided to self ...
“He told me about the bears, and I just couldn’t really get it out of my head,” Keegan recalled during a Q&A at the Camden International Film Festival. “There’ve been people who’ve ...
An animated film is in development about "Soldier Bear" Wojtek, who is remembered by a statue in Edinburgh's Princes Street Gardens. The bear was adopted in World War Two by Polish troops and ...
Who found the bear and how much cocaine did it actually eat? Where is the bear’s remains now? The film was the first Emmy win in the documentary category for WAVE Originals, a production of Gray ...
is told in the documentary The Shepherd and the Bear, directed by Max Keegan and produced by Keegan, Elizabeth Woodward, Jesse Moss and Amanda McBaine, and co-produced by Eleonore Voisard. The film is ...
Jour2Fête has acquired French distribution rights to Max Keegan’s “The Shepherd and the Bear” out of IDFA and is planning to release the film theatrically in 2025. “The Shepherd and the ...