Caption This image shows relationships between representative animal lineages and three important whole genome duplication events. The aftermath of the teleost-specific whole genome duplication is ...
What explains variation in female preference? This classic question in sexual selection has important implications for evolutionary theory and the generation of biodiversity. The guppy and closely ...
Scientists now have the ability to sequence complex genomes from multicellular organisms. Does the genome size correlate with the complexity of the organism? The answer is surprising.
Research in our group investigates a number of questions central to understanding animal evolution and development: What determines the lifelong regenerative capacity of some animal lineages ? How the ...
Assumptions that may seem self-evident are not always accurate when it comes to the evolution of vertebrate brains.
In addition, the turtle genome offers a unique window into evolution: these reptile species have existed for more than 250 ...
The 500-million-year-old primitive fish without bones or teeth has surprisingly advanced anatomical features. “Based on the ...