Despite his modern techniques, in many ways, Beckmann was the heir of German medieval art, both in format and style. Franz Marc, the son of a lesser-known landscape artist, was familiar with art ...
Painted by Franz Marc (1880-1916), the co-founder ... and actively acquire German Expressionist art. Purchased for the museum from Stefan Pauson (brother of Tekla Hess) in 1944.
The Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus (municipal art gallery of Munich) is famous for the world's largest collection of the Blue Rider group founded by painter Franz Marc. But there is much more ...
The Lenbachhaus is famous for the world's largest collection of art by the "Blaue Reiter" (Blue Rider) group, around Franz Marc. See what paintings you can discover here. The Blaue Reiter is ...