Overall, an average gold recovery of 84.8% was achieved after a 48 hour processing cycle involving a combination of gravity recovery, sulfide flotation, regrind of sulfide concentrate to P 80 at ...
Overall, an average gold recovery of 84.8% was achieved after a 48 hour processing cycle involving a combination of gravity recovery, sulfide flotation, regrind of sulfide concentrate to P 80 at 16 μm ...
CloseCurlyDoubleQuote; Overall, an average gold recovery of 84.8% was achieved after a 48 hour processing cycle involving a combination of gravity recovery, sulfide flotation, regrind of sulfide ...
Overall, an average gold recovery of 84.8% was achieved after a 48 hour processing cycle involving a combination of gravity recovery, sulfide flotation, regrind of sulfide concentrate to P 80 at 16 μm ...
Cyanidation (' CN ') testing done on flotation tailings material yielded a maximum gold recovery of 68.2%. Cyanidation of sulfide concentrate re-ground to P80 at 29 μm and 16 μm returned gold ...