Hailey Dean Mystery is an American/Canadian mystery film series that stars Kellie Martin as the titular character, Hailey Dean, a prosecutor working with the District Attorney's office who later ...
Hailey Dean aids Detective Garland Fincher in investigating a string of murders at Atlanta Memorial Hospital when Fincher's girlfriend Dr. Meghan Phillips is named a suspect.
Hailey Dean Mystery is an American/Canadian mystery film series that stars Kellie Martin as the titular character, Hailey Dean, a prosecutor working with the District Attorney's office who later ...
(News 4 & Fox 11) — Todd Tonnochy, the Reno man convicted of killing 18-year-old Hailey Nieto ... A jury found Tonnochy guilty of second-degree murder on August 28 after an eight-day trial.
Freeman sentenced Tonnochy, 40, to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 10 years for the murder of 18-year-old Hailey Nieto. He added maximum sentences to be served consecutively ...