When the name Hayabusa pops up in a conversation, everybody becomes all-ears. In a way this is true at street level, too, as the presence of the Busa makes everything all the more interesting in ...
Standard equipment includes the features that come with this vehicle. Select Your Options Choose options to include in this vehicle value. Only select options that are in addition to standard ...
The 2009 MY Hayabusa is powered by the new-generation 1,340cc in-line 4 engine and fed through the high-tech dual throttle valve EFI system. The engine also comes with driving modes for better ...
铃木摩托车近日正式揭晓了其备受期待的2025款GSX1300R Hayabusa隼的详细信息,这款摩托车在核心配置和机械性能上延续了2024款的卓越表现。动力心脏依旧为那台强劲的水冷四冲程直列四缸发动机,排量高达1,340 ...
Standard equipment includes the features that come with this vehicle. Select Your Options Choose options to include in this vehicle value. Only select options that are in addition to standard ...
Haven't had an old school Hayabusa for quite a while now and what a blast it is, you really know you are sitting on a mountain of power on these, none of the forgiveness of all the modern ...
Suzuki GSX1300R Hayabusa RQ M2 2021 with just 3325 miles, available now at Motorcycle Select. This motorcycle is in very good condition, having had only 1 owner from new and featuring a full ...
In a wild chase across town, the gang's antics include hijacking boats, dashing through sewers, and attempting to tear up the streets on a GSX 1300 Hayabusa. They're channeling the bravado of the ...