In a new book, a science journalist recounts the story of a lifesaving treatment for infection that scientists broadly ...
However, it is misinterpreted that antibiotics can also cure viral infections like flu and fever.Over the past few years, ...
“Addressing antibiotic resistance will take more than science,” says Lord Ara Darzi, chair of the Fleming Initiative, a global network spearheaded jointly by the UK’s Imperial College London ...
Brady suspects that cilagicin escapes bacterial resistance by binding two targets. “Most antibiotics today have a single target,” he says. “If you have two things the bacteria need to get ...
Antibiotic and antifungal drug resistance pose a major public health threat. Live Science is covering the spread of this problem and the potential solutions that are emerging in turn. A crisis ...
In the fight against drug-resistant bacteria, researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton are enlisting an unexpected army: ants, bees and beetles.
Every year, more than five million people die due to bacterial infections that are becoming increasingly resistant to a range of antibiotics. It is a concern the World Health Organization has ...
These antibiotic-resistant "superbugs" directly caused 1.14 million deaths worldwide in 2021, according to The Lancet, a medical journal. Antibiotics - which are considered to be the first line of ...