“Addressing antibiotic resistance will take more than science,” says Lord Ara Darzi, chair of the Fleming Initiative, a global network spearheaded jointly by the UK’s Imperial College London ...
Brady suspects that cilagicin escapes bacterial resistance by binding two targets. “Most antibiotics today have a single target,” he says. “If you have two things the bacteria need to get ...
Antibiotic and antifungal drug resistance pose a major public health threat. Live Science is covering the spread of this problem and the potential solutions that are emerging in turn. A crisis ...
Every year, more than five million people die due to bacterial infections that are becoming increasingly resistant to a range of antibiotics. It is a concern the World Health Organization has ...
These antibiotic-resistant "superbugs" directly caused 1.14 million deaths worldwide in 2021, according to The Lancet, a medical journal. Antibiotics - which are considered to be the first line of ...