On November 19th, John Millen, the YP book reviewer, held a workshop about how to write a book review with some Young Post junior reporters. Here are the main points that were discussed at the ...
1. As you are reading the book you are going to review, always have a notebook at hand and make notes about your thoughts. 2. Your book review must have a definite shape. It can't just be a ...
A book review should go deeper than just outlining ... Think you’ve got what it takes to write a good review? Then set about getting your work published, whether in print or online.
A book review should go deeper than just outlining ... Think you’ve got what it takes to write a good review? Then set about getting your work published, whether in print or online.
To discuss means to talk or write about a subject in detail. It's good to be able to discuss stories and books with other people and to share views and ideas on them. When discussing stories you ...