Five years after the events of Jurassic World Dominion, covert operations expert Zora Bennett is contracted to lead a skilled team on a top-secret mission to secure genetic material from the world ...
rex breakout or the raptors stalking Lex and Tim in the kitchen. You can check out Jurassic World: Rebirth when it finally stomps into theaters and on to the 2025 movie schedule on July 2.
Jurassic World: Rebirth' shares a first look at Scarlett ... DeWanda Wise chats with ET at the pop-up for her new horror movie, ‘Imaginary,’ which hits theaters on March.
ET takes a look behind Kualoa Ranch, the iconic Hawaii filming location that hosted movies like ‘Jurassic Park,’ ’50 First Dates’ and m ‘Jurassic World Dominion’ is in theaters on June 10.
The studio is already developing a seventh film, Jurassic Park/World movie, Jurassic World: Rebirth. And it won’t take long to arrive in theaters. Universal has already carved out a prime 2025 ...