Menu Lean Leaders I Have a Lean Idea Program Lean Terminology Lean Statistics Special thanks to Memory Jogger's "The LEAN Enterprise for Service" and to A process and method for ...
Purpose. The impact of lean methodology in i.v. medication processes in a children's hospital was studied. Methods. Medication orders at a children's hospital were analyzed for 30 days to identify ...
Researchers at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine have shown that a systemic approach to eliminating inefficiencies in surgical residency programs can reduce unnecessary work ...
Worldreader is not just on the leading edge of international education and technology. Its growth also reflects a new wave of nonprofit organizations that employ a rapid experimentation method called ...
The HWPP Toolkit provides step-by-step procedures to implement the Lean “Plan-Do-Study-Act” cycle. The HWPP Forming Program Teams guide helps you engage front-line employees while the IDEAS process ...
Kanban is a method of lean project management that gives a visual overview of the process from start to finish, which helps manage workflow by showing exactly who is working on what and where ...
A new study from the University of California San Diego School of Medicine found that applying Lean methodology to surgical residency programs reduces work hours and improves program efficiency.
The Kanban method is one of the oldest methodologies on the list, being introduced in the 1940s in the context of industrial engineering. Whenever lean production is the focus, you know you’re ...