Equipment and preparation: For this recipe you will need 4 x 10cm/4in loose-bottomed tart tins. Take the time to make this stunning lemon tart which is served withcinnamon cream, baked meringue ...
Put the orange and lemon zests, lemon juice ... of plastic wrap or parchment if it is a little soft) to fit a 10-inch tart pan. Prick the base of the tart all over with a fork, and freeze for ...
It should almost cover the top of the cupcake. Top with a little more lemon curd and pop a meringue kiss on top, garnish with a sprig of lemon balm or lemon verbena. Eat as soon as possible.
Garnish your pie with lemon slices in a pretty pattern. Make meringue and decorate your pie using a pastry sleeve or cut the corner of a zippered plastic bag. If you have a torch, you can broil ...
Garnish with little sprigs of mint or lemon balm and crystallised rose petals. Note: If you chill for an hour before serving it will be easier to cut. The meringue discs will keep for several ...