In the middle of a battle, a soldier from Earth, Willis Davidge (Dennis Quaid), crash-lands on a barren world. His search for survivors only turns up one other stranded pilot - a Drac (Louis Gossett ...
Louis Gossett Jr, the first black man to win the ... He also starred in the cult 1980s science fiction film Enemy Mine as the alien Jeriba Shigan, alongside Dennis Quaid.
Louis Gossett ... Roots. Gossett has also starred in numerous film productions such as The Deep, Jaws 3-D (as SeaWorld manager Calvin Bouchard), Wolfgang Peterson's Enemy Mine, the Iron Eagle ...
Louis Gossett Jr., who won a supporting actor Oscar for playing the hard-as-nails drill instructor in 1982's "An Officer and a Gentleman" a few years after winning an Emmy for his role as the ...