Farm Masha and the Bear Educational Games online The online game Farm Masha and the Bear Educational Games online offers you to spend time with the benefit of your mind. Any child will learn something ...
Together with their partners, Animaccord is creating a network of Masha and the Bear interactive educational museums, publishing magazines and releasing educational computer games. The producers ...
9. Call Me Please! - The Bear wants to watch a soccer game but first he needs to get rid of the girl.The Bear sends her for a walk to the forest and gave her a cell phone in order to be safe. More ...
The Bear still hopes to win the heart of the female Bear. He finds an ancient gondola at the bottom of the forest lake. The Bear decides to restore it and invites the female Bear for a romantic ride!
With kindness and comedy in its heart, this series follows the adventures of a little girl Masha and her friend The Bear. Their relationship is a metaphor for how a child interacts with the big world.