Pilgrims arose from the English Puritan movement that originated in the 1570s. Puritans wanted the English Protestant ...
The “War on Christmas” is actually a thing Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ, which one might think would make it a ...
American Jews have celebrated Thanksgiving, acknowledging the gift of freedom of religion and a secure and safe home.
Every November, articles recount the arrival of 17th century English Pilgrims and Puritans and their quest for religious ...
Massachusetts threepence, one of the first coins minted in colonial America, has shattered auction records, sold by Stack’s ...
Stories are told about the founding of Massachusetts Bay Colony and the celebration of the first Thanksgiving feast. In the popular mind, the two groups are synonymous. In the story of the ...
Every November, numerous articles recount the arrival of 17th-century English Pilgrims and Puritans and their quest for religious freedom. Stories are told about the founding of Massachusetts Bay ...
The Boston Mint was officially created on May 27, 1652 to help ensure that businesses in the already commercially successful Massachusetts Bay Colony had an adequate supply of money. At the time ...
Among those who participated in this inaugural national Thanksgiving were the Jewish citizens of New York, numbering around ...
In the American colonies, governing structures varied widely. Some, like Massachusetts Bay Colony, embraced self-government through town meetings, while others were directly ruled by the British ...
In 1652, New England settlers opened their own mint against the rules established by the British royalty that governed them.
The 1621 gathering of Pilgrims and Wampanoags near the desolate harbor that was to become the town of Plymouth in the Massachusetts Bay colony was a celebration of survival, hope, and, historians tell ...