Objective To review the efficacy of resistance training (RT) as a therapeutic modality in various musculoskeletal conditions. Design Systematic review. Subjects Data from 1545 rehabilitation ...
Dr. Colorado is Associate Professor and Vice Chair of Education in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). He serves as PM&R ...
Our nationally recognized faculty provide specialty training in spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, pain management, and musculoskeletal rehabilitation. Residents are exposed to rotations in ... What can we learn from the management of other chronic health conditions? Contemporary evidence demonstrates that many musculoskeletal pain conditions are associated with long ...
Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) are essential for guiding rehabilitation interventions. However, CPGs specifically addressing rehabilitation for osteoporosis patients remain scarce in the ...
Revive Physio Care, Belleville’s premier multidisciplinary rehabilitation center, proudly announces the addition of Nilam ...
Brain & Spinal Cord Rehabilitation, Orthopedic & Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Pediatric Long-Term Care & Rehabilitation, Outpatient Rehabilitation ...