Physics and technology of nanoscale photonic and electronic devices. Bulk crystal, thin film and epitaxial growth technologies. Semiconductor characterization techniques. Defects in crystals.
Understanding the multidisciplinary nature of nanoscience and nanotechnology, and their relationships with other areas of research, is therefore important for science policy, funding, research ...
Liquid-processed transistors achieve high performance at low temps, enabling flexible electronics and wearables through ...
Leibniz University Hannover - Bachelor of Science in Nanotechnology The interdisciplinary degree courses in nanotechnology at Leibniz Universität Hannover provide extensive training in the field of ...
but also their applications to nanotechnology as well as quantum information. The author is a leading expert in quantum devices and he writes the text with remarkable clarity and authority. It is ...
To make sense of the world, most humans rely in great part on their vision. Recent research suggests that the human visual ...
The MSc/MASc in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology introduces students to a broad range of theories and hands-on skills needed to thrive in this cutting-edge, highly ...