Thor: Love and Thunder is the fourth instalment in the superhero series, based on the Marvel Comics character. In a plot twist, it sees Natalie Portman's Jane Foster returning with superior powers ...
“Jane Foster transformed from as “only Thor’s love interest” to GODDESS OF MF THUNDER. That’s the tweet,” one fan wrote. “Natalie Portman is Female Thor!! Marvel is giving us ...
Natalie Portman, and Taika Waititi. "Thor: Love and Thunder" is also directed by Waititi, making it the second Thor film he's helmed, following "Thor: Ragnarok." If you're looking to catch up on ...
Natalie Portman Was Unavailable For Reshoots For ... Luke Hemsworth plays Loki in the Asardian play-within-a-movie. Thor: ...
When Thor: Love and Thunder came out, I was as disappointed as most Marvel fans who wanted more of the impeccably weird, impeccably cozy vibes of Thor: Ragnarok. Certainly, director Taika Waititi ...
Falling in love with scientist Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) teaches Thor much-needed lessons, and his new-found strength comes into play as a villain from his homeland sends dark forces toward Earth.