提到吸血鬼,大家脑海中不外闪过“怕大蒜”“见光死”等关键词。 据美国《纽约邮报》报道,明尼苏达州一名女子罹患罕见的“吸血鬼病”(porphyria,也称卟啉(bǔ lín)症)。患病后,她跟传说中的吸血鬼一样怕大蒜,没办法吃任何含硫的食物,尤其是大蒜。
The condition, acute intermittent porphyria, also causes paralysis and is fatal in some cases. The novel approach fine-tunes the genetic instructions locked in our DNA. Doctors say they are ...
Dickey, an assistant professor at Massachusetts General Hospital, highlighted the study, which specifically targeted the form of porphyria that manifests in painful light sensitivity in its patients.