NASA's Curiosity rover has made a groundbreaking discovery on Mars by uncovering pure sulfur crystals within a broken rock.
A rock on Mars spilled a surprising yellow treasure after Curiosity accidentally cracked through its unremarkable exterior.
The rover's latest discoveries, including pure sulfur stones and sprawling mineral "spiderwebs," unravel new mysteries of ...
In May, the six-wheeled rover fatefully found this rock and rolled over it such that it broke apart to produce bright yellow crystals of elemental sulfur. Mars is indeed known to be full of sulfates, ...
A close-up photo taken by the Curiosity rover shows pure yellow sulfur crystals within a rock. NASA’s Curiosity rover ran over a rock on Mars in late May. That’s par for the course on the red ...
Nasa used the robot's instruments to analyse the rock, receiving data that indicated it was pure sulphur. Scientists were "stunned", said Nasa when it revealed the discovery last week.
NASA stitched together a 360° view of the rover's surroundings, which NASA turned into a convenient video with spacey music.
this represents the first time sulfur has been found on the red planet in its pure elemental form. What's even more exciting is that the Gediz Vallis Channel, where Curiosity found the rock ...