"The fact that terrestrial microbes are the Earth's best colonizers means we can never completely discount terrestrial ...
Asteroids are remnants of the formation of our solar system, and while many can be found within the asteroid belt between the ...
NASA has received samples of Asteroid Ryugu from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). The samples were collected by ...
Faint magnetic properties in primitive asteroid fragments suggest an early magnetic field strong enough to shepherd the ...
A recent discovery made by scientists working with a sample of rock from outer space highlights one of the huge challenges ...
Scientists have found microorganisms crawling over a sample retrieved from the 200 million-mile-distant asteroid Ryugu. But ...
来源:MIT News来自遥远小行星的微小颗粒正在揭示 46 亿年前塑造太阳系边远区域的磁力线索。MIT 和其他机构的科学家对来自日本宇宙航空研究开发机构(JAXA)隼鸟 2 号任务的粒子进行了分析。这些粒子由隼鸟 2 号在 2020 ...
The sample from the asteroid Ryugu was overrun with Earth-based life forms after they were brought to the planet, scientists ...
We're showing that, everywhere we look now, there was some sort of magnetic field that was responsible for bringing mass to ...
Samples taken from the space-returned piece of asteroid Ryugu were collected and prepared under strict anti-contamination ...
A Ryugu asteroid sample has been found contaminated by terrestrial microbes, raising questions about planetary protection.
Discovery published in Meteoritics & Planetary Science highlights challenge of contamination in space exploration ...