Invasive ant species are becoming a problem, however, with research showing that over 500 species of ants were found in countries where they aren’t native, having hopped a ride with humans ...
There are different types of ant, and each have a different job to do from the queen that lays the eggs, to the soldiers that defend the nest. ADAM:'All the eggs the queen lays are almost ...
Each species’ queens were sorted into ... In other words: With a boost from coital contact, Long Live the Queen. Habitat/range: Black garden ants (Lasius niger) live in Europe and parts of ...
NARRATOR:'In a leafcutter colony there is a queen ant, and she is much bigger than the other ants. And her job is to lay eggs. NARRATOR:'Then there are lots of different types of worker ant.
Both species are small in stature, but hundreds of their queen ants can inhabit a single nest, enabling a colony to grow at an explosive rate. The invasive ants have entered human habitats ...
Some types of ants, such as Argentine, can contaminate foods because they also feed on garbage, sewage and dead animals. · Avoid indiscriminate spraying. “Maybe you’ll kill a hundred, but that’s the ...