Allen's hummingbird perched in Western redbud - M. B. Kuhnhein/Shutterstock While you might think of the Western redbud (Cercis occidentalis) as a small tree, it can also be grown as a landscaping ...
Like many “western” hummingbirds, the broad-tailed is increasingly found in late fall and winter in the southeast. Polytypic (2 ssp.; nominate in North America). Length 3.5–4"; bill 16–20 mm.
Black-chinned Hummingbirds are common across the western United States and are particularly noted for their adaptability to different habitats, ranging from urban gardens to wild, mountainous ...
The Western rhododendron (Rhododendron macrophyllum), also known as Pacific rhododendron, is Washington's state flower and is sure to attract hummingbirds. This native evergreen shrub puts on ...
Their suspicions were correct. It was an Anna’s hummingbird, a western species and very rare vagrant to the eastern U.S. Hummingbird bander Allen Chartier caught and banded the bird Nov.