Manga based on Twisted Wonderland, the hit mobile video game from Disney! Stranded in the world of Twisted Wonderland, Yu must brave a magical school filled with ghosts, monsters, and uncooperative ...
This week, The Walt Disney Company unveiled details on the three-season anime adaptation of the Disney Twisted-Wonderland ... Black Butler manga creator Yana Toboso handled the game’s main ...
Disney is adapting its mobile game Twisted-Wonderland into a three-season ... Developed by Black Butler creator Yana Toboso, the game has been praised for its compelling storyline and character ...
Disney Content Showcase APAC 2024 has seen a massive influx of anime announcements, including the highly anticipated release window and a new look at Disney's Twisted Wonderland anime. Via Cinema ...
The Twisted-Wonderland anime is based on the original smartphone game by Aniplex and Walt Disney Japan. Black Butler manga's author, Yana Toboso, was in charge of the game's original concept ...