Indian cue sports celebrated a year of triumphs, spearheaded by Pankaj Advani's continued dominance. Advani clinched his 28th IBSF World Billiards Championship, extending his remarkable legacy.
The legend of Advani continued to grow as he extended his rule in the IBSF World Billiards Championships by winning the coveted title for a 28th time. Advani was flanked by other stars of cue ...
NEW DELHI: Ace Indian cueist Pankaj Advani clinched a historic 28th world title, defeating England's Robert Hall 4-2 at the IBSF World Billiards Championship in Doha on Saturday.
Advani sealed his win with the frame scores reading 11-72, 31-58, 95-40), 52-42, 69-43, 43-74, 22-59, 75-62, 84-58, and 58-10 in his favour. The Bengaluru-based Advani who had earlier in the day ...
The legend of Advani continued to grow as he extended his rule in the IBSF World Billiards Championships by winning the coveted title for the 28th time. Advani was flanked by other stars of cue ...