The Hong Kong government’s new HK$1 levy on all types of plastic bags, an increase from the previous 50 HK cent fee, will help combat plastic waste and encourage consumers to use reusable bags.
A world class marine explorer, Bermudian Teddy Tucker is internationally considered one of the most preeminent in his field. The son of architect Edward Tucker, Mr Tucker’s first job was at the ...
As 2024 wound down, Milwaukee resident Andy Oren found himself wondering why the Pick ‘n Save on South Whitnall Avenue had no signs reminding shoppers of its pledge to ditch plastic bags by 2025.
In June, Dubai introduced a plastic bag ban (on single-use ones in particular) across the city. So why when we’re shopping do we still get offered a bag as an option at the till? First announced at ...
LONDON – Armored in mahogany and orange uniforms, workers at English supermarket Sainsbury’s recently became the government’s foot soldiers charged with implementing its new policy on plastic bags.
Ziploc bags are normally my go-to for storing small items, but as luck would have it, my new decorations are too big for the bags I had on hand. Case in point: my Yoda figurine dressed as Santa.
Kroger, the multi-state grocery chain headquartered in Cincinnati, made a commitment to its customers and communities a little over six years ago to phase out single use plastic bags at its family ...
Carla Tucker, the sweet, generous and resilient co-owner of Tucker's Restaurant in Over-the-Rhine, has died at the age of 67. According to her daughter, Katie Cappel, Tucker died Monday.