Leslie and her goat farm, Cylon Rolling Acres were invited to be on a national television show called the Hardcore Carnivore. The Hardcore Carnivore is hosted by Jess Pryles, who is a live fire ...
India Goat Milk Farm, which began just four years ago, was born out of a personal health crisis when Mannat was diagnosed with jaundice. A well-meaning elder suggested that goat milk could help in her ...
Here’s what expect: UK Farm Agro Resort is an actual, working farm that specialises in rearing goats so you’ll find your fair share of goat pens here. But, they do also have horse barns, milking ...
This includes free-range turkeys from Great Grove, a small family farm based in Norfolk, and the Goat Shed's own award-winning Wensum White and Norfolk Mardler goat's cheeses. A whole host of events ...