The traditional Gujarati calendar follows Vikram Samvat Calendar system with the exception that instead of Chaitra Sukhladi, the Gujarati people celebrate the day after Diwali as Gujarati New Year.
One of the most reliable source of Gujarati Panchang showing daily panchang with accurate tithi information, choghadiya timings, shubh and ashubh muhurat timings, gujarati festivals, vrats and more.
Browse the daily love horoscopes of all zodiac signs and find out what each sign can expect from astrology today in your romantic relationships It’s better to admit that you don’t know ...
You can’t keep everything inside, beautiful Taurus. Although you’ve been trying to figure out how you feel about a relationship or the state of your romantic life, you are becoming resentful ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said some people are trying to disturb peace in the name of caste politics and called for thwarting such designs to preserve the social harmony in rural ...