The film, which stars Ambali Bhaarati and Panchi, has been directed by Naveen GS, and is produced by Bhaarati Bali under the banner Kamala Uma Bharati Productions “This role required me to ...
"Ghost" is a Kannada horror movie available on ZEE5. The movie follows the story of Karan Khanna, a rising politician who is accused of killing his wife. watch the full movie on zee5 to know what ...
Naa Ninna Bidalare - a Kannada horror, suspense ... There haven’t been many Kannada films that come under this genre and the story and screenplay of Naa Ninna Bidalare is sure to keep audiences ...
Director Naveen GS has tried his best to keep audiences engaged throughout the movie that is different from other horror movies released so far. The movie also educates the audiences about memory ...
Debutant director Naveen's latest Kannada film ... and redemption. This movie which has no connection to the yesteryear cult classic film will enthral fans of the horror genre, as well as those ...