World War V, by Matt Rosenberg and Otto Schmidt, continues the story of a world smashed by a vampire plague. There are shades of DCeased here, but DC vs. Vampires has always been able to hold its own ...
Well, well, well. Here we are at the halfway point of the sequel to a series that I don’t know if anyone asked for, but we’re getting anyway. And hey, the first DC vs Vampires underwent a drastic ...
DC’s “Absolute” line of comics has offered bold new re-invention of core characters like Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman (with more on the way). Each of the books debuted by re-introducing us to ...
THE TRUCE IS OVER AND THE WAR IS HERE! Green Arrow, Damian Wayne, and the rest of the heroes bring the fight to Batgirl and her blood-sucking army. With the world on a collision course with total ...
There will be more than enough comic book movies and shows to watch in 2025, but these seven projects are arguably the most highly anticipated of the year.