The second season of the “Fruits Basket” TV anime series, based on a manga that became hugely popular at home and abroad, will start on April 6. The story centers around high school girl Tohru ...
Moreover, there are doubts when it comes to what his Devil Fruit is, since it seems that he killed his father— King Harald— for it, which could be connected to a Greek figure from myth.
It happens when you incorrectly assume that everyone knows as much as you do on a given topic. As a clinical microbiologist, I assumed everyone knew that it was a terrible idea to kiss a newborn baby ...
LOWELL — The baskets are back with raffle tickets now available for purchase for the Tufts Medicine/Lowell General Hospital 21st annual Themed Basket Raffle fundraiser for the Sun Santa Fund.
It’s been 27 years. Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet shared a kiss on Tuesday as they reunited 27 years after their blockbuster film, “Titanic,” was released. The “Don’t Look Up ...