"Moana 2," the follow-up to the successful Disney (DIS) animated movie, dominated the holiday weekend box office, raking in $221 million in domestic ticket sales, according to Box Office Mojo, setting ...
Gladiators were, by law ... (CNS/Courtesy of First Liberty Institute) The draw of stories in which Christians are "thrown to the lions" has remained powerful. Most ancient martyr accounts were ...
Gladiators were, by law ... Instead, they’re self-possessed athletes who strive for imperishable crowns. The draw of stories in which Christians are “thrown to the lions” has remained ...
Gladiators were, by law, required to be slaves ... Instead, they're self-possessed athletes who strive for imperishable crowns. The draw of stories in which Christians are "thrown to the lions" has ...
Gladiators were, by law, required to be slaves ... Instead, they’re self-possessed athletes who strive for imperishable crowns. The draw of stories in which Christians are “thrown to the lions” has ...