Business mentor Anna Lundberg argues that high achievers are motivated by praise, recognition, and external validation. While there are many big differences between high achievers and truly gifted ...
Clifford finally decided to go to a psychiatrist to see if he could get help with his decision-making problem. "I understand you have trouble making decisions. Is that true?" the psychiatrist asked ...
“Shaolin is a culture of action, and it has taught me time and time again that action is the antithesis of procrastination,” said Gjergja. “Doing the ‘thing’ is the primary ...
The doctor explained that revenge bedtime procrastination (RBP) is a kind of counterproductive attempt to reclaim “me” time (where your attention and effort aren’t being demanded by ...
Chances are you are the cause of the ever-piling tasks. You may be the victim of procrastination. It means you try to delay any tasks that need to be finished immediately. You have no control over ...