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  1. 是否只需要 Arteria Epigastrica Superfisial 的结果?
  2. The superficial epigastric artery is a small branch of the femoral artery. It arises inferior to the inguinal ligament and courses superiorly to emerge on the anterior abdominal wall.
    The superficial epigastric artery is a small branch of the femoral artery. It arises inferior to the inguinal ligament and courses superiorly to emerge on the anterior abdominal wall.
    La arteria epigástrica superficial o subcutánea abdominal es una arteria que se origina en la arteria femoral. No presenta ramas. 1 ​ Se distribuye hacia la pared abdominal y la ingle. 1 ​
    The superior epigastric artery is a terminal branch of the internal thoracic artery that contributes to the blood supply of the anterior abdominal wall.
    The superior epigastric artery (SEA) is one of two terminal branches of internal thoracic (also known as internal mammary) artery that runs just lateral and posterior to the sternum.
  3. Superficial epigastric artery - Wikipedia

  4. Superficial epigastric artery: Anatomy, branches, supply …

    2023年11月3日 · The superficial epigastric artery is a branch of the femoral artery, originating about 1 centimeter below the inguinal ligament. It then courses superiorly, traverses the cribriform fascia and passes anterior to the middle …

  5. Superficial Epigastric Artery | Complete Anatomy

    The superficial epigastric artery provides cutaneous supply to the inguinal region and the lower anterior abdominal wall.

  6. Anatomy, Abdomen and Pelvis: Epigastric Artery

    2023年8月14日 · There are three epigastric arteries supply the abdominal wall—superior, inferior, and superficial epigastric arteries. The superficial epigastric artery supplies the superficial tissue of the abdominal wall; the …

  7. Superficial epigastric artery - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS

    The superficial epigastric artery (a. epigastrica superficialis) arises from the front of the femoral artery about 1 cm. below the inguinal ligament, and, passing through the femoral sheath and the fascia cribrosa, turns upward in front of …

  8. 腹壁浅动脉 - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS

  9. About: Superficial epigastric artery - DBpedia Association

  10. Arteria epigastrica superficiale - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS

  11. superficial epigastric artery - Medical Dictionary

  12. Arteria epigastrica superficialis - AnatomyTOOL

  13. 是否只需要 Arteria Epigastrica Superfisial 的结果?