ASPiK Plugins | ASPiK Plugin Framework
Create AAX, AU and VST3 plugins for Windows and MacOS! Designed from the ground up for multi-platform and multi-API plugin development, ASPiK generates audio FX and software synthesizer plugin ...
Download - ASPiK Plugins
Download the ASPiK SDK. The ASPiK SDK is open-source software and is hosted on GitHub. You may fork the repository or download a ZIP version from the GitHub Site. For those who want the SDK the old fashioned way a link is provided below. Use the SDK Documentation and the video tutorials to get started.
ASPiK SDK: ASPiK Developer's Guide - ASPiK Plugins
ASPiK (Audio Specific Plugin Kernel) is the simplest and fastest way to get your professional AU, AAX and VST plugins designed and coded for Windows and MacOS. You only need the target SDKs (all are public/free) and a DAW of your choice.
ASPiK SDK: Using the ASPiKreator - ASPiK Plugins
Ther SDK comes with a Mac and Windows applicatation named Aspikreator.app and Aspikreator.exe. These apps contain two sub-apps: the ASPiK Project Creator and the GUI Code Creator. The ASPiK Project Creator generates new (blank) ASPiK plugin projects for …
Videos - ASPiK Plugins
New to ASPiK? Start here – this set of step-by-step video tutorials will guide you through your first plugin; from creating the project to finishing the GUI. Getting Started with ASPiK: SDKs
Steinberg::Vst::ASPiK::VST3Plugin Class Reference
VST3 messaging system - not used in ASPiK but here if you want to play with messaging. for GUI_TIMER_PING and recreate view operations. NOTES: see Designing Audio Effects in C++ 2nd Ed. by Will Pirkle for more information and a VST3 Programming Guide; see VST3 SDK Documentation for more information on this function and its parameters
ASPiK SDK: Steinberg::Vst::Project::VST3Plugin Class Reference
The VST3Plugin object is the ASPiK plugin shell for the VST3 API. More... #include <vst3plugin.h>
ASPiK SDK: PhaseVocoder Class Reference
ASPiK SDK Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members. PhaseVocoder Class Reference. FFTW-Objects. The PhaseVocoder provides a basic phase vocoder that is initialized to N = 4096 and 75% overlap; the de-facto standard for PSM algorithms. The analysis and sythesis hop sizes are identical.
VSTGUI4 - ASPiK Plugins
ASPiK uses the VSTGUI4 library. The ASPiK SDK includes a complete copy of the VSTGUI4 folder. You can also get it from GitHub, or the latest VST3 SDK. ALERT: the best option is to simply use the version with the ASPiK SDK. It will always be the proper version.
ASPiK SDK: Optional: Manual Project Creation - ASPiK Plugins
Copy and paste the TemplatePlugin folder into your ASPiK project folder. Change the name of the folder to a new name that makes sense for the project. Make sure it is a valid CMake name (no spaces, no oddball characters, no numbers).