Hindi Medium is a situational comedy based on social issues. It's a family-oriented story of a couple who is determined that their three year-old daughter should study in an English …
Mita and Raj Batra, an affluent couple from Delhi’s Chandni Chowk, are grappling with getting their daughter admission into an English medium school. But there is one big problem. Their …
Hindi Medium: Directed by Saket Chaudhary. With Irrfan Khan, Saba Qamar, Dishita Sehgal, Deepak Dobriyal. A couple from Chandni Chowk aspire to give their daughter the best …
Stream 'Hindi Medium' and watch online. Discover streaming options, rental services, and purchase links for this movie on Moviefone. Watch at home and immerse yourself in this …
Hindi Medium is a situational comedy based on social issues. It's a family-oriented story of a couple who is determined that their three year-old daughter should study in an English …
Hindi Medium, a 2017 movie, is directed by Saket Chaudhary. It is a comedy-drama movie starring Irrfan Khan and Saba Qamar in the leads. Raj Batra, and Mita Batra want their …