约 62,300 个结果
  1. The Kasai procedure is a surgical treatment for biliary atresia. During the Kasai procedure, your baby’s provider will remove the blocked bile ducts outside their liver.
    The Kasai procedure is a surgical treatment for biliary atresia. During the Kasai procedure, your baby’s provider will remove the blocked bile ducts outside their liver.
    The Kasai procedure, also known as hepatoportoenterostomy or Kasai portoenterostomy, is a surgery performed on infants in which blocked bile ducts are bypassed to restore normal bile flow.
    A Kasai operation is a type of surgery to remove the diseased bile ducts to the base of the liver and re-establish bile flow from the liver using a portion of the child's intestine.
    The Kasai procedure involves removing the blocked bile ducts and gallbladder and replacing them with a segment of your child's own small intestine.
    The Kasai hepatoportoenterostomy (KPE) was developed as an effective surgical therapy for BA and can restore bile drainage into the intestine.
  2. Kasai Procedure: Surgery To Treat Biliary Atresia - Cleveland Clinic

  3. Kasai Procedure: Preparation, Recovery, Long-Term Care

  4. Kasai Procedure | UCSF Department of Surgery

  5. Biliary Atresia Surgery (Kasai Operation) - HealthyChildren.org

  6. Treatment for Your Child’s Biliary Atresia: Kasai Procedure

  7. Kasai Therapy: Hope for Biliary Atresia Patients

  8. Laparoscopic Portoenterostomy (Kasai Operation) - Abdominal Key

  9. Kasai Procedure - Anesthesia Blog