Immobilized Metal Chelate Affinity Chromatography (IMAC)
Proteins and peptides that have an affinity for metal ions can be separated using metal chelate affinity chromatography. The metals are immobilized onto a chromatographic medium by chelation.
Nickel Columns and Nickel Resin - Bio-Rad
Nickel columns are used for immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) for the purification of recombinant proteins with a polyhistidine tag on either terminus. The most common tag is a hexahistidine tag (6xHis tag or His6 tag).
His-tagged Proteins – Production and Purification
IMAC is a widely-used method for rapidly purifying polyhistidine affinity-tagged proteins, resulting in 100-fold enrichments in a single purification step. The chelators most commonly used as ligands for IMAC are nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) and iminodiacetic acid (IDA).
ProPac™ IMAC-10 HPLC Columns - Thermo Fisher Scientific
Resolve target proteins using a single column in a high-resolution gradient run with Thermo Scientific™ ProPac™ IMAC-10 LC Columns. These analytical and semi-preparative HPLC columns provides high-purity separations of metal-binding proteins and high loading capacity for protein purification applications.
Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography - ScienceDirect
Immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) columns have been most widely used in the selection of histidine-bearing proteins and peptides in addition to phosphorylated peptides. The stationary phase in IMAC columns is a metal chelator to which a metal has been bound, selection specificity coming primarily from the bound metal.
IMAC PhyTip® Columns - Biotage
Our IMAC PhyTip columns are packed with high capacity Nickel-IMAC affinity resin and are used to purify biologically functional, recombinant His-tagged recombinant proteins and consistently generate purified samples of high purity and concentration by dual flow chromatography.
Guide to selecting IMAC resin for 6xHis protein purification ...
Key to successful purification of His-tagged proteins is to choose application-appropriate IMAC resins. Understand various properties of resins that matter.
IMAC-10 column, the latest advancement in IMAC technology, is a true high-pressure, high-resolution column capable of not only separating certain metal-binding proteins from non-metal binding proteins, but also providing resolution of retained proteins from one another, in …
Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography (IMAC)
In general, the IMAC-based phosphopeptide enrichment process consists of three main steps, including incubation of the trypsin digest on an IMAC column, washing the resin with IMAC binding buffer, and enrichment of phosphopeptides at high pH or with phosphate salt conditions.
2016年1月1日 · In step 4: the flow-through can be collected in a tube and if desired, re-applied into the column for maximumbinding! Sources ProtocolrevisedfromthecourseBB1105,KTHRoyalInstituteofTechnology. Page1 of1